Concrete Remediation

Concrete remediation will prolong the life of concrete buildings and infrastructure through repair and renovation. Concrete remediation assists in providing a more sustainable solution to demolition and reconstruction by significantly improving the overall performance of the building or structure.

Well designed, properly constructed reinforced concrete structures are highly durable in most environments, but the integrity of many assets can be impacted by aggressive service environments and severe conditions which leads to cracking and corrosion of the reinforcing steel which then causes spalling or concrete cancer to occur

Steel reinforcement corrosion in concrete is often caused by carbonation or chloride ingress with water. Evaluating the root cause of steel corrosion helps determine an effective repair and protection strategy.

7A Civil will identify the root cause of the concrete failure then offer suitable rehabilitation strategies to avoid

Chemical degradation e.g. chemical exposure, alkali aggregate reactions, bacterial action

Corrosion of the reinforcement steel e.g. carbonation, chlorides, stray electrical current

Physical damage e.g. freeze/thaw action, thermal movements, shrinkage, abrasion, wear

Underlying contributors e.g. poor construction, lack of adequate cover, design faults, lack of maintenance

Mechanical attack e.g. impact, overloading, movement

concrete remediation